2024年第1回英検1級ライティング (英文要約) 解答速報

皆さん、6/2(日)は2024年第1回英検1次試験でした。手ごたえはいかがでしたでしょうか?英検2次試験に向けて、今回は2024年第1回リニューアル英検1級ライティング (英文要約) 問題を実際使って、ライティング (英文要約) 問題の模範解答を示します。

[Key Points]
Paragraph One

Paragraph Two

Paragraph Three

Urban areas play an increasingly pivotal role in society due to the migration from rural areas to cities. These urban areas lead to the attraction to people searching for educational and job opportunities as well as the chance to enhance the quality of their lives. This trend has led to severe issues such as overloaded transportation systems, a shortage of housing and public facilities, resulting in a dearth of available land. In response, many cities have employed land reclamation to increase the amount of land. Unfortunately, the disadvantage of land reclamation is that developers need to take costly steps to stabilize the land and prevent damage to structures.

Urban populations worldwide continue to expand as people migrate from rural areas in search of better opportunities for wealth and social mobility. As a result, cities are becoming increasing overcrowded, which means insufficient land is available for residential and infrastructure development. In response to this problem, many cities are employing land reclamation as a way to increase the amount of land that can be used for construction. Unfortunately, the disadvantage of land reclamation is that it is less sturdy than usual land, so costly preventative work is required to protect the buildings constructed on it.

・urban growth, increased population density, rising populations
urban populations
・some cities
many cities
・to overcome this issue [=a lack of available land]
to increase the amount of land that can be used


大阪市天王寺区上本町8-4-17 ラシーヌ上本町2階
