2023年第2回英検1級ライティング問題 解答速報


It is one of the contentious issues whether or not social welfare programs have a pivotal role in society. Personally, I think that social welfare programs help reduce inequality in society for the following three reasons.
Firstly, social welfare programs will contribute greatly to the revitalization of the global economy. For example, especially in Japan pension system makes it possible to give seniors more secure incomes, which leads to the reduction of inequality.
Secondly, social welfare programs can greatly lead to the enhancement of the quality of lifestyle. For instance, in democratic countries like Japan healthcare system makes it possible to give patients better treatment at a lower cost, which contributes to a decrease in the gap between the rich and the poor.
Finally, social welfare programs will contribute significantly to the alleviation of labor shortage. For example, in developed countries like Japan scholarship makes it possible to supply equally educational opportunities to children from low-income families, which leads to a decline in social polarization between the affluent and the impoverished.
In conclusion, for the above-mentioned three reasons, the revitalization of the global economy through social welfare programs, the enhancement of the quality of lifestyle through social welfare programs, and the alleviation of labor shortage through social welfare programs, I think that social welfare programs help reduce inequality in society.


堺市北区長曽根町815-2 トリニティ・コート新金岡1階

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