2024年第3回新英検1級ライティング (英文要約) 解答速報
皆さん、1/26(日)は2024年第3回英検1次試験でした。手ごたえはいかがでしたでしょうか?英検2次試験に向けて、今回は2024年第3回リニューアル英検1級ライティング (英文要約) 問題を実際使って、ライティング (英文要約) 問題の模範解答を示します。
[Key Points]
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The Internet has expanded consumer access, resulting in an increase in the illegal wildlife trade in wild animal parts. International aid organizations are concerned about the effects on economies in developing nations, where wildlife tourism is essential. Decreasing wild animal populations have a negative influence on communities with limited economic options. Governments are implementing various countermeasures such as establishing protected areas with regulations and rangers to prevent illegal hunting. Despite these efforts to combat this illegal trade, these areas are often separated by unprotected land, making some wild animals susceptible when traveling between them.
The Internet has brought about a sizeable expansion of the worldwide unlawful trade in wild animal parts. This is pragmatic, as the resulting exploitation of wild animals is depleting their numbers, which jeopardizes the livelihoods of the local people who rely on wildlife tourism. In order to combat this illegal trade, governments have established areas with special measures in place to safeguard the animals that live within their bounds from illicit activity. Despite these initiatives, some wild animals are still in peril of being seized or killed, as they must frequently transit between protected areas.
堺市北区長曽根町815-2 トリニティ・コート新金岡1階