2023年第3回英検1級ライティング問題 解答速報


There have been a lot of discussions and debates about whether or not science should be emphasized more in order to solve humankind’s problems. Some people argue that science should be emphasized more in order to solve humankind’s problems, while others don’t. Personally, I think that science should be relied on to solve humankind’s problems for the following three reasons.
Firstly, science has contributed to better public safety. For example, science has increasingly decreased the number of casualties caused by traffic accidents. Thus it is significant that science continues to be relied on in order to enhance public safety more effectively.
Secondly, science has contributed to the enhancement of the quality of life. For instance, laptops, tablets, cars, and smartphones, have been developed by scientists, thus leading to the convenience of lifestyle. Therefore it is essential that science continues to be relied on in order to enhance the quality of life more effectively.
Finally, science has contributed to the alleviation of food shortage through climate change. For example, genetically modified foods have developed by scientists, thus leading to the alleviation of chronic food shortage through climate change. Therefore it is crucial that science continues to be relied on in order to alleviate chronic food shortage more effectively.
In conclusion, for the above-mentioned three reasons, the contribution to better public safety, the enhancement of the quality of life, and the alleviation of food shortage, I think that science should be relied on to solve humankind’s problems.


堺市北区長曽根町815-2 トリニティ・コート新金岡1階

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