

What do you think about the right to collective self-defense?

※ 模範解答例は,集団的自衛権の行使について,賛成の立場から,述べている。


本論(Body):① 日本の平和と安全を脅かすような有事の際には,集団的自衛権の行使が必要となってくる。 ② 経済大国日本が,アジアの平和と安定の為に,果たすべき役割がある。



According to the article 51 of the United Nations Charter, every country has the right to self-defense and the right to collective self-defense.

In my opinion, although Japan has a permanent peace policy, Japan should make a military contribution in the cause of self-defense, collective self-defense and world peace. So, in order to help America and other countries solve international conflicts, Japan should send the Self Defense Force into international crisis in areas surrounding Japan that would threaten Japan’s peace and security.

Some people may wonder why Japan must make a military contribution especially in Asia after the end of the Cold War, but we must remember that some countries remain threats to regional security. Also, since Japan’s economic power has increased, it is quite natural for Japan to contribute to regional defense or the stability in Asia.

Consequently, it has a significant meaning that Japan has decided to establish the legal system of collective self-defense and Japan-US defense cooperation guidelines. I believe that the establishment of a legal framework for Japan-US defense cooperation will act as a deterrent against emergencies in areas surrounding Japan that would threaten Japan’s peace and security.



松原市天美東7-12-5 朝日プラザ南大阪ターミナルシティ1F

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