What do you think about introducing direct election of prime minister in Japan?
① 憲法6条と67条に抵触する。
② 国家元首に関わる問題が生じる。
③ 首相が強い権限を持ちすぎると、議会運営が機能しなくなる可能性がある。
◆結論(Conclusion):英国のマーガレット サッチャー女史の例を見れば、日本も首相公選制は、不要だと分かる。
I am strongly against introducing direct election of prime minister in Japan for three reasons.
Firstly, under the existing representative democracy in Japan, prime minister shall be designated from among the members of the Diet by a resolution of the Diet. So, if Japan is to adopt the system, Japan has to amend the article 6 and 67 of the Constitution
Secondly, the system could undermine the position of Emperor as a head of state. A popularly elected prime minister would be more like a president or head of state. I believe the head of state in Japan is Emperor.
Thirdly, if the popularly elected prime minister has too much power and ignores decision by the Diet, there would be constant conflict between the Diet and prime minister. As a consequence, that would lead to malfunction or vacuum in politics.
Consequently, Japan should not adopt the system. I would like to point out one good example. Britain has the representative democracy like Japan, but Mrs. Margaret Thatcher was able to exercise strong leadership and gain high popularity.
松原市天美東7-12-5 朝日プラザ南大阪ターミナルシティ1F