

The importance of recycling



① ゴミの分別と、透明ゴミ袋の使用

② ゴミの削減は、ダイオキシン排出の削減につながる。

③ ゴミには、潜在的ビジネスチャンスもある。


Recycling is very important in order to protect the environment.  And recycling is the first step that we can do in our daily life for ecology. I would like to point out the significance of recycling.

Now, local governments promote recycling movements. They ask us to separate garbage according to type, especially about bottles and cans. Also, they ask us to use transparent bags in order to improve our awareness about our garbage and ecology.

The basic goal of recycling is to reduce the volume of garbage. Reducing the volume of garbage will contribute to the reduction of the dioxin emissions, because dioxin emissions are caused by burning of garbage, especially household garbage.

Garbage should be regarded as new potential business. For example, new technology can change kitchen garbage into compost or fertilizer. So, recycling is beneficial for economy as well as ecology.

Consequently we should concentrate on using more recyclable goods. For example, companies and schools should use more recycled paper. Also, Japanese government should work in cooperation with companies and consumers in order to promote recycling movements.



松原市天美東7-12-5 朝日プラザ南大阪ターミナルシティ1F

  • 無料体験学習申込み受付中