~中3生 英文法テスト~


☆次の英文(問1~問10)の(  )内の、適切な語句を①~④から選べ。

問1 She (  ) have breakfast yesterday.
① isn’t ② didn’t ③ don’t ④ wasn’t

問2 Tom (  ) the book last night.
① readed ② reads ③ read ④ is reading

問3 Jiro and Taro (  ) in London 3 years ago.
① were ② are ③ was ④ is

問4 There (  ) many birds in the park yesterday.
① is ② are ③ was ④ were

問5 What (  ) you do at home last Sunday?
① do ② are ③ did ④ were

問6 He (  ) English when I visited him.
① was studying ② was studied ③ studied ④ has studied

問7 He (  ) to get up early yesterday morning.
① must ② has ③ should ④ had

問8 Hurry up, (  ) you will not catch the train.
① so ② or ③ and ④ that

問9 We will go on a picnic if it ( ) fine tomorrow.
① is ② will be ③ was ④ has been

問10 Mary has been sick (  ) she came to Nagoya.
① when ② from ③ since ④ for

(1) ②  (2) ③  (3) ① (4) ④  (5) ③
(6) ①  (7) ④  (8) ② (9) ①  (10) ③

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