No.4【 Do you think that advertising has a negative influence on people?】
No, I don’t think so. I think that advertising has a negative influence on society. It provides information about various goods and services , boost the economy by stimulating consumption, and finances TV programs and sporting events.
【Do you think playing sports helps to develop good character?】の類題
Yes. playing sports helps develop discipline, perseverance, a sense of responsibility, and team spirit, because in general, sports are physically and mentally demanding group and individual activities. Regardless of the outcome, the process of making the effort to win a game can build character.
【Do you think people are becoming too health-conscious these days?】の類題
I don’t think so. There are still many obese and overweight people suffering from metabolic syndrome or lifestyle-diseases because many people don’t exercise enough and too much food including junk food.
【Why do you think more and more young people are choosing part-time work over full-time work?】の類題
I think there are many reasons for this trend. One is a lack of full-time job opportunities. Another reason is their desire for freedom and lack of career ambitions.
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