~東京大学 大意要約(オリジナル予想問題)~
問 本文を90字前後の日本語で、要約せよ
People all around the world think education is important because a good education usually means a better life. Everyone agrees with that. However, schools are not the same in every country. This is because people in different countries want their schools to teach different things. Each culture has its own values, and people want their schools to teach the values of their culture. The United States is a democracy, and democratic values are very important.
Everyone in the United States has the opportunity to have free education. Local, states, and federal governments pay for the public schools, and everyone, rich or poor, can go to school. There are also many private schools. People in private schools have to pay their own educational costs because the state does not pay for private education.
Some people say that American schools try to do too much for too many people. They say it is impossible to give a good education to everyone. They think the American educational system should try to educate only the most intelligent people in the society instead of trying to educate everyone. However, in a democracy, it is important for everyone to have an education because citizens in a democracy have to choose their government’s leaders, politicians or representatives of the people. They have to be able to understand ideas, policies, issues clearly to make these choices, so they need a good education to be a good citizen.
松原市天美東7-12-5 朝日プラザ南大阪ターミナルシティ1F